Home Study Religious Education Program

Welcome to St. Thomas More Religious Education Home Study Program. As parents, the Church teaches that you are the primary educators of your children in the ways of faith. By choosing the Home Study option for Religious Education you are also taking responsibility for the formal education of the Catholic faith for your children, guided by the parish’s Religious Education department.

The Religious Education program for all students (both those enrolled in Home Study and those attending in-person classes) consists of the following three components:

Please note that there are additional requirements for children receiving First Reconciliation, First Holy Communion and Confirmation.

1. Finding God – Catechetical Program

Finding God is the cornerstone of our Religious Education curriculum and provides a comprehensive overview of the Catholic faith based on the Catechism of the Catholic Church and Sacred Scripture. 

It is broken down into 5 units, each containing 5 sessions. We will be skipping the final session in each unit (sessions 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25). For each session parents will work through the material with their children, using the study guide as their guide. 

Children will need to complete the worksheet and session assessment provided in your Home Study folder for each session. Completed worksheets and session assessments must be turned in to the Religious Education office by the following deadlines:

2. Growing With God – Child Safety and Family Life Program

Growing with God is the diocesan-mandated Child Safety and Family Life Program which covers sensitive issues such as internet safety, setting good boundaries, friendship and bullying etc. Due to its sensitive nature, all children in the Religious Education program will complete.

Growing With God at home with their parents. Growing with God consists of 7 lessons. Parents will read the lesson and complete the worksheet with their children. Completed worksheets must be turned in to the Religious Education office by the following deadlines:

3. Passport to Faith – Participation in Parish Life

Being Catholic means far more than participating at Sunday Mass and in Religious Education classes. It is a lifestyle choice that involves the whole person. Our Passport to Faith program offers the opportunities to experience what it means to live our Catholic identity within our parish community.

All students in the Religious Education program must complete five Passport activities during the course of the year from September 1, 2024 – June 30, 2025. 

See the Passport to Faith Section of the website for more details on the Passport.

Resources and Support

The Religious Education office is here to support you in your Home Study program with resources, ideas and other aids. Please give us a call at 732-446-3232 or email re@moremercy.org with any questions or to discuss any issues.